Something is Brewing
About Us
A few words and images about the club.
Meetings so far
In all honesty, we’ve lost count on the number of beers showcased by our membership at our Monthly Meetings
Brewing boldly
The Westchester Homebrewers Organization, the WHO, is the oldest and largest home brewing club in Westchester County, New York. Since its founding in 2008, the WHO has been a thriving community of beer and brewing enthusiasts at every level of experience.
Whether you are just starting out with your first extract kit or have a couple of hundred batches under your belt and are working toward perfecting your signature recipe for the next competition, the WHO is the club for you.
Our monthly meetings are fun and informative. Demonstrations, discussions and presentations are facilitated by group members and the occasional brewing industry guest. And there is always an opportunity to share and taste each other’s brew!
Throughthe Years
Club founded
WHO was born.
First Meet at Captain Lawrence in Elmsford
I wasn’t at the meeting but I was at Captain Lawrence when they first opened at their new location. If you have something to contribute about those early days of WHO at CLBC in Elmsford, let me know!
Held our first hybrid meeting in-person and on Zoom
It wasn’t our most successful meeting, to be sure, but after months of meeting exclusively on Zoom, it was great to be in-person again. And the folks attending remotely had a good time as well.
Initiated a multi-round club brewing challenge—Last Brewer Standing
Aimed at getting more members to brew on a regular basis and at getting some to brew outside their wheelhouse, the challenge saw over 40 entries, with more than fifteen club members participating! At our December gathering, Vlad Kowalyk was crowned our first Last Brewer Standing!